The Mirena Crash is Real, and It’s Affecting Countless Women 

The Mirena intrauterine device (IUD) is a birth control device implanted in the uterus to prevent pregnancy. Some women have reported negative side effects after the device is removed, including depression, anxiety, and fatigue. This phenomenon is called the Mirena crash. Mirena IUDs can also cause complications while they are implanted, including pregnancy complications if […]

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What Are the Top 10 Disabilities?

The term ‘disability’ encompasses various conditions that can significantly impair one’s ability to engage in activities due to physical or mental limitations.  Understanding these commonly recognized disabilities is important. They often serve as catalysts for legal action when individuals’ livelihoods are compromised by someone else’s medical negligence or other misconduct, resulting in permanent impairment. Ten […]

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Causes and Symptoms of Caput Succedaneum

Discovering medical complications after delivering a baby is one of the most stressful things a parent can go through. One common birth injury in Georgia is caput succedaneum, or swelling of an infant’s scalp.  While caput succedaneum isn’t always cause for major concern, rare cases can contribute to long-term health problems. Knowing the signs, symptoms, […]

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IV Infiltration and Complication Attorneys 

Intravenous (IV) lines are necessary for many patients to deliver medicine and fluids to them. However, IV infiltration is a complication that can arise through the use of IV lines. If you are harmed due to IV infiltration, you may have a claim against a negligent healthcare provider for medical expenses, lost income, pain, suffering, […]

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IV Infiltration Can Cause Nerve Damage, Burns, or Amputation

IV insertion is one of the most common procedures performed at hospitals around the world. Although it involves putting a foreign object into the body, doctors, nurses, and healthcare technicians perform this routine procedure every day. The Cleveland Clinic estimates that as many as one billion peripheral IVs are inserted annually worldwide. The mechanics of […]

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4 Types of Brain Injuries and 3 Levels of Severity

Brain injuries are one of the most common causes of disability in the United States. These injuries are responsible for nearly 56,000 deaths every year. There are many types of brain injuries, however, and they vary significantly in severity. Most brain injuries are mild, with symptoms that mostly resolve on their own.  It’s crucial to […]

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8 Most Common Types of Medical Malpractice Cases 

Medical malpractice occurs when a healthcare provider’s treatment of a patient falls below the applicable standard of care. Any medical professional can potentially commit malpractice. However, studies have found that physicians and surgeons are the most likely parties to be accused of medical malpractice.  Here are some of the most common medical malpractice claims.  Misdiagnosis […]

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Does Anesthesia Cause Brain Damage?

Certain medical procedures are made possible with anesthesia. Different kinds of anesthesia are suitable for different purposes, like general anesthesia for surgeries.  While anesthesia has various benefits, like allowing you to feel no pain during your procedure, it can also have drawbacks. It can cause brain damage after surgery and lasting neurological problems.  What Is […]

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How To Sue a Doctor for Malpractice

We reasonably expect our doctors and other healthcare providers to properly diagnose and treat our medical conditions. While many healthcare providers achieve satisfactory and sometimes even outstanding results, they are not infallible. Doctors and other healthcare providers can and do make mistakes – sometimes with grave consequences. If you are considering suing a negligent doctor […]

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